These attempts by Yamauchi to attract new players and sculpt them into car enthusiasts feel inherently compromised by the series’ enduring focus on relatively hardcore circuit-based competition and may or may not be successful, but it’s important to remember that Gran Turismo remains phenomenally popular as it is. After GT Sport, the return of a proper single-player campaign mode is hugely anticipated Admittedly, the entire place is apocalyptically devoid of life, but it’s a nod to the fact that not every car enthusiast spends their time hanging around in a pit garage. In the real world, events such as Cars and Coffee and physical locations such as Caffeine and Machine have become the modern hubs for car culture, so your objectives in GT7’s campaign are now dished out via literal menus in a meticulously rendered coffee shop called the GT Cafe. This is Yamauchi interpreting the undeniable connection between music and driving in his unique style.

Instead of wheel-to-wheel racing, you’ll be scything effortlessly past slower-moving traffic while listening to a tune from GT7’s expansive music library and attempting to hit enough checkpoints to make it to the end of the song. A new mode called Music Rally aims to offer a less pressured and competitive driving experience on the game’s existing tracks. Yamauchi’s solutions to this challenge are typically eccentric.
Gran Turismo 7’s immediate problem is that it’s still very much shackled to the formalised circuit racing that has formed the core of the series since the beginning, and as such there’s no equivalent to simply cruising aimlessly around Horizon’s open world. They quickly eclipsed the original series: while the core Forza Motorsport titles have dwindled in popularity, the most recent Horizon game has been played by 18 million people via Game Pass. The result was the exotic, knockabout playgrounds of the Forza Horizon spin-off series, in which you drive beautifully simulated cars with wild abandon across Mexican deserts or British countryside. GT’s longstanding Xbox rival Forza Motorsport found its own solution to that problem, undergoing a moment of mitosis a decade ago. Watch the latest GT7 trailer, which features a race around Daytona, after that.Yamauchi’s stated intention for Gran Turismo 7 is to arrest declining interest in car culture by introducing new people to the joy of interacting with automobiles, regardless of their previous experience. While waiting for its release, read about GT7’s original announcement back in 2020, and then check out this GT7 trailer that shows off the game’s detailed customization and photo mode. Gran Turismo 7 will hit PlayStation 5 and PlayStation 4 on March 4. If you're looking for a stretch of PlayStation 5 GT7 gameplay, the end of the State of Play is for you. The State of Play ends with a couple of minutes of a new Music Rally mode, which isn't discussed too much but it seems to be based on the beats of a song, and the Music Replay mode.

This goes hand-in-hand with the GT7 photo mode, which from the looks of it, might be PlayStation's most advanced photo mode in any game ever. From there, you can tinker with loads of photo settings to get the perfect shot. These are essentially high-def HDR photos that you can place any of your cars into.

One exciting addition to GT7 is the new Scrapes.